My first week at mso digital agency began Wednesday 1st July 2015.
My first week at mso digital agency began Wednesday 1st July 2015.
Ryan Hales, Apprentice
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My first week at mso digital agency began on Wednesday 1st July 2015…
I had been studying Public Services at MidKent College since September 2013, having to only go in 3 days a week. I was enjoying the extra days off as I had more time to sleep and as a teenager this was a dream come true. College was a good change from school and it definitely helped me mature and become a much more confident person. I had to meet new people and settle in new surroundings which I feel helped prepare me for the working life. I finished college on Tuesday the 30th June, the day before I started working at mso.
I was excited to start my new job, but like most people I was slightly nervous. I was worried about doing something wrong or not being good enough for the company. But within 10 minutes of walking through the door, I felt very welcomed as everyone around me was so helpful and supportive towards me. I was introduced to everyone and although I knew I would need to learn them quickly – just a few minutes later I had forgotten most of everyone’s names.
I started to feel more confident that I could do a good job as long as I put all of my effort into it. I was given a lot of information which was hard to take in. However, once I started actually uploading content for a client’s website, it all became more understandable. I began to feel more comfortable each time a whole new piece of technology was introduced to me. It was at this point that I realised there was a lot to learn and that it was not going to be easy.
Over the next few days I became a lot more settled and I knew that if I was struggling, the people around me would help me find a solution. I now feel very comfortable at work and I enjoy coming in every day. I find the work exciting as I am always learning something new and this is a great method of keeping motivated. The people at mso are so easy to get along with and they are all so welcoming. I have a love for dogs and there is one which comes in every now and then which I think is great as dogs make everyone smile. There is such a relaxed atmosphere and I couldn’t imagine a better place for my first job.
mso is such a great company to be a part of!
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